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Meet the Pastor

Pastor M S Abraham was born and brought up in India as the son of church pioneering missionary pastor. God’s calling and hands upon his life were very evident all through his life by miracles God performed for his seminary and secular education in India. He was instrumental in training ministers in seminaries for five years following his education. He was a convention speaker, church planter and Christian youth leader prior to his immigrating to USA. 

The Lord, in His gracious plan, brought him to Portland, ME and to First Assembly of God. He has served the church in assisting Pastor Hinman (then Pastor) for several years and Rev. Johnson ( interim Pastor). Meanwhile, he completed his Masters Degree in Counseling from the University of Southern Maine.

He was chosen as the senior pastor in May 2001. The church experienced many positive changes under his ministry. Spiritual nourishment of the believers and equipping them to work the works of God is Pastor Abraham’s ministry approach. He is a visionary and enthusiastic about what the Lord is doing at First Assembly of God. His wife Sis. Molly and children: Faith, Evangeline and Justin are a great blessing to the congregation.

"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven."

Matthew 6:10

First Assembly of God Church

243 Cumberland Ave.

Portland, ME 04101

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Sunday Worship Services available Online.

Sunday Morning Service: 10:00 AM

Sunday Evening Worship – 6:30 PM



Worship & Bible Study - 6:30 PM

Ambassadors for Christ Bible Institute/Senior Youth Group 6:30 PM


Friday Prayer Meeting - 4 PM TO 8 PM

First Assembly of God, Portland, ME 04101. Phone: 207-774-2415

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